Regor is proud to be a global leading brand from Acculite Devices to have exclusively manufactured low-energy industrial and domestic lighting products since its initiation offering a decade of industry expertise and innovation to the lighting market in India.The brand has gone from strength to strength since 2005; and has come from developing the industry's classic CFL to now boasting revolutionary Smart Lighting Solution, a full range of LED industrial components and a suite of LED luminaries. Regor products have wide distribution throughout India and abroad. By setting environmental management as one of the company's highest priorities, Regor focuses on eco-friendly environmental processes from initial design to manufacturing, research and development, and the disposal and recycling of its products
A glowing sphere of light is symbolic of life. Light power is in its ability to provide a dynamic focus in an ever-changing universe. Light is alive, radiating its colorful character and sparkling vibrancy to the world.
On contrary to general lighting systems and CFLs, Regor LEDs radiate very little heat in the form of IR that can cause damage to human beings as well as to objects or fabrics.
CFLs can contaminate air and water supply as well as landfills with deadly compounds. Regor LED avoids the cost and time implications required for such disposal and protects the environment from toxic waste.
Regor LEDs emit almost no UV radiations, which can harm human body as well as sensitive materials and surfaces like goods and artwork.